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Bitpanda Ecosystem Token (BEST 2.0)

Tutaj znajdziesz informacje o BEST 2.0 i przykładowe modele obliczeniowe, które ilustrują tokenomikę i właściwości BEST 2.0.
d h m s

Kupować można wyłącznie tokeny dostępne na rynku (podaż obiegowa).

Number of available tokens:


Podaż obiegowa:

Kapitalizacja rynkowa:

Cena może wynosić około .

Przywrócenie bieżących ustawień Tokenomiki
Rewards Percentage Calculator

Trade at least once a week on Bitpanda broker and claim rewards to get on the existing BEST amount per week. In this way, per year is possible.

VIP Level:

Volume per week (Crypto):

For the rewards, the BEST amount on the broker is taken into account, which is available at the end of the week at about 23:59. Please contact Bitpanda directly for the details.
The development assumed in the graph, with the set conditions, over the entire period of 5 years.
Hodl invest calculator

Okres objęty przeglądem (Tygodnie):

Saldo początkowe:

Invest EUR per week (buy BEST or push volume):

BEST Preis-Veränderung pro Woche:

At the end of the weeks, through regular investing, have accumulated through purchase.
During the same period, an additional were added through the weekly rewards.
Thus, the initial has become in the end.
The calculation is based on the assumption that the BEST price is at the beginning and changes linearly to over the entire period.
The weekly rewards have changed from () to ().

Simplified and hypothetical model calculation without considered fees for the purchase and without instant trade bonus.
The calculation assumes that BEST Rewards are claimed every week.
In the calculation model it is assumed that the weekly invested money is always optimally used in BEST or for cheapest volume pushing.
VIP Level

Obecne poziomy BEST VIP są podzielone na pięć poziomów.
Poziom VIP 1 wymaga minimum ().
Poziom VIP 2 wymaga co najmniej ().
Poziom VIP 3 wymaga co najmniej () na koncie.
Poziom VIP 4 wymaga co najmniej ().
Dla najwyższego poziomu i poziomu VIP 5 wymagane jest co najmniej ().

VIP 1 Level
+ +
VIP 2 Level
+ +
VIP 3 Level
+ +
VIP 4 Level
+ +
VIP 5 Level
Burn Calculator

So far have been burned.
The average BEST count, in the burns to date and per month, was . (Średnia dla ostatnich trzech Burns wyniosła .)

BEST Burn amount per month:

If the burn, up to the 250.000.000 BEST, continues at this rate, the final burn will occur in months ( years).
Burn average speed
With the average speed of all burns so far being about per second, theoretically (1) have already accumulated for the next burn.

Average values of all previous Burns:
approx. per day
approx. per hour
approx. per minute
approx. per second
(1) Counter is based on the previous Burn averages and can therefore differ widely from the final Burn value.

Rough schematic representation of the development of BEST supply.
"Burn ??" is hypothetical, lies at some point in the future and would look like the following if the distribution between User and Bitpanda were the same as for the current burn.
Kalkulator dochodów pasywnych

Pożądana liczba BEST rewards w tygodniu:

Prognozowana cena:

Możliwy dochód pasywny:

Aktualne Slider ATH Team40

Aby otrzymać jako nagrody w jednym tygodniu, akcje, przy obecnej cenie , musiałyby wynosić ok. i tym samym mieć łączną wartość obecnie ok. .

Obliczenia opierają się na transakcji o wartości 1 Euro tygodniowo, a więc minimum dla danego poziomu VIP.
Volume calculator

Prognozowana cena:

Cena wolumenowa / 1.000 Euro:

The following trading volume levels can have a positive impact on BEST Rewards from the specified limits:

Crypto/Metal VIP 2 VIP 3 VIP 4 VIP 5
1k EUR
3k EUR
10k EUR
30k EUR

Opłaty różnią się w zależności od aktywów. Wolumenu może być opłacalne, ponieważ płacisz mniej w opłatach niż otrzymujesz w nagrodach.
Stake calculator

The Circulating Supply is composed of the total VIP level owners, the share of shareholders, the held amount of white label companies and the BEST freely available on the market.

Your BEST balance:

Circulating Supply:

With the above settings, your share of the Circulating Supply is .
The maximum number of VIP Level 5, with a Circulating Supply of , is . Due to the monthly Burns, the Circulating Supply decreases and thus increases the percentage of the amount held.

If the Circulating Supply is at 250 million, you own .
If the Circulating Supply is 150 million, you would have .

Używana jednostka (Permyriad): 1‱ ≡ 1/10.000 lub 0,01 lub 0,1‰%
Market situation

Data on the current market situation of BEST:

Daily high:
Daily low:
Volatility (1 month):
52 weeks high:
52 weeks low:
Market Cap:

Data provided via Bitpanda API.

The average BEST price, at the snapshot of the last rewards, was about (1) per BEST.

Number of past rewards taken into account:

In the case of (1) rewards per week, over the last weeks, the value of the credited rewards at the time of the snapshot was on average approx. (1). In total, it was therefore about (1).

Weekly BEST Rewards credit:

If you had sold the last rewards immediately after the snapshot, you would have received (1). Without the direct sale or during the hodln, the accumulated approx. (2) would have a current value of approx. (2) (at currently approx. per BEST).

(1) A simplified calculation without compound interest.
(2) A simplified calculation with minimal compound interest of 0.1% per week.
„Be your own bank"
The security of the assets is in the hands of each user.

In the best case, the current security standards are set up on all platforms (websites, email providers, etc.). For this reason, enable two-factor authentication (2FA). There are both 2FA apps (e.g. Google Authenticator), but also hardware (e.g.: REINER SCT Authenticator) that provide 2FA.
Discord / Telegram
For further exchange, there is a Bitpanda BEST channel on Discord / Telegram.
Telegram: German language
Telegram: English language

For news there is the following Bitpanda Telegam channel:
Telegram: Announcements

Aby nie zapomnieć o cotygodniowym składaniu wniosków o BEST Rewards, istnieją dwa boty, które mogą być tutaj wykorzystane. Różne opcje przypomnienia można skonfigurować indywidualnie według własnych życzeń.
Dostępne są dwa boty. Jeden bot dla Telegramu, a drugi jest dołączony do oficjalnego Bitpanda Discord.

W przypadku bota Telegram, wystarczy otworzyć ten link i postępować zgodnie z instrukcjami.

Zaloguj się na oficjalny Discord Bitpandy. Tam znajdziesz "Team40RewardsBot". Kliknij na niego i wyślij wiadomość o treści "BEST". Następnie po prostu postępuj zgodnie z instrukcjami.

Brak gwarancji. Korzystanie z botów na własne ryzyko.
The information on this website does not constitute investment advice, financial advice, trading advice or any other type of advice.
You acknowledge that you use the information available here at your own risk.
All calculations available on this site are models.
They are neither a forecast nor do the assumptions made have to be correct or occur.

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